Material for MkDocs
MkDocs is a fast, simple static site generator that’s geared towards building project documentation. Material for MkDocs is a powerful documentation framework on top of MkDocs. Mkdocs is written in Python, and supports documentation written in Markdown.
This page is explicitly about Material for MkDocs. We’re working on a guide for plain MkDocs as well.
Minimal configuration required to build an existing Material for MkDocs project on Read the Docs looks like this, specifying a python toolchain on Ubuntu, defining the location of the installation requirements, and using the built-in mkdocs command:
version: 2
os: ubuntu-24.04
python: "3"
- requirements: requirements.txt
configuration: mkdocs.yml
Quick start
If you have an existing Material for MkDocs project you want to host on Read the Docs, check out our Adding a documentation project guide.
If you’re new to Material for MkDocs, check out the official Getting started with Material for MkDocs guide.
Configuring Material for MkDocs and Read the Docs addons
For optimal integration with Read the Docs, make the optional following configuration changes to your Material for MkDocs config.
Set the canonical URL
A canonical URL allows you to specify the preferred version of a web page to prevent duplicated content.
Set your MkDocs site URL to your Read the Docs canonical URL using a Read the Docs environment variable:
Configure Read the Docs search
To configure your site to use Read the Docs search instead of the default search:
Add the following block of JavaScript:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { // Trigger Read the Docs' search addon instead of Material MkDocs default document.querySelector(".md-search__input").addEventListener("focus", (e) => { const event = new CustomEvent("readthedocs-search-show"); document.dispatchEvent(event); }); });
in your MkDocs configuration:extra_javascript: - javascript/readthedocs.js